Yoga is a gift

for your well-being!

Classes offered at Serenity Yoga

Gentle Therapeutics

Gentle Yoga

Yoga All Levels

Yoga Tone

Yoga Tune-Up

Class Schedule & Fees

Gentle Therapeutics

There is a lot of attention on how to move safely in the exercises. These classes are perfect for people who have had or are vulnerable to lower back, shoulder, neck, or other related problems. For some it is pain management that is needed . Yoga may not heal all your pain, but it is a wonderful way to learn self management for pain and mental stress that is a result of pain.

Gentle Therapeutics teaches proper body alignment with the use of props. Many poses will be performed standing or with a chair. Perfect for seniors.


Gentle Yoga

Gentle Yoga can provide pain relief, relax stiff muscles, and ease sore joints.

Yoga teaches us that we can not prevent growing older, but the way we age is a choice, based on our thinking, decisions and actions.

Gentle Yoga teaches simple basic yoga poses designed to strengthen and stretch the body at a slow gentle pace. Perfect for beginners - no experience necessary.


Yoga All Levels

A solid practice for all Yoga practitioners from beginner to advanced. Instructor will assist with suggestions, adjustments and mentoring.


Yoga Tone

Yoga Tone - a fusion of fitness techniques and Yoga designed to build strength with lean muscles. Improve flexibility and create mind/body harmony.

Click here for day and time.

For more information contact Mike Little 928.941.1358


Yoga Tune-Up

A toes to head practice to increase balance, strength, flexibility and range of motion. Enhances a traditional Yoga practice or cross training.


Serenity Yoga
3795 W. 22nd Lane
Yuma, Arizona 85364
Michael Little

Copyright 2009-2021

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Web Designs by Kate

Home : Instructors : Contact : Gentle Therapeutics : Gentle Yoga Yoga All Levels : Yoga Tune-Up
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